It is a beautiful day here in mountains. We are taking advantage of the nice weather and fixing up the bike park. Painting, sawing, and building to upgrade and renew the ramps and stunts. This morning I got up early for a run and an elderly Japanese man stopped me. I tried to tell him I didn't speak Japanese, but he seemed excited or mad about something. He kept making making a shape with his hands. On my way back he stopped me again this time he was in his van. I made out that he was not mad but had lost something and had maybe wanted me to keep an eye out for it. Later I saw him smiling with his little dog, I guess his dog had ran up a tree or something. (Last Picture is of a Church group from Tokyo which we hosted recently) Maybe he wanted me to help him retrieve it that morning. It can be a little awkward not knowing the language, but this story turned out good. He seemed very nice and hopefully I will see him again, maybe someday when I can speak better we can laugh about it together.
Anyways things are a little slower right now. Which is good as we need to do some general maintenance on the facilities and bike park. Today a group is coming from an international school. There will be children with a mix of different faiths represented. Both Australian, Japanese and Indian kids will be having their school retreat here. Please keep this camp in your prayers as we host these kids. That they would see Jesus in us and through us as we interact with them.
I will be heading to Tokyo for a little break this weekend to see friends there and see some more of this massive city of 34 million.
Well thats all for now. Stay in touch!